Cataracts are a common eye condition. They occur when the lens of the eye develops cloudy patches which can limit vision. This can affect a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks like driving. A cataract can affect all of the lens or just a part of it. They usually appear in both eyes but don’t always develop at the same time. If you develop cataracts, your vision may become cloudy and misty – like frosted glass. In severe cases and if left untreated, you may even develop blindness. Read on to learn more about cataracts and how we can help keep your eyes as healthy as possible.
Causes and risk factors
If you develop cataracts as you age, you’re not alone. This is considered to be a normal part of growing older, and most people start to develop them after the age of 65. In addition to ageing, some other factors that can increase the risk of developing cataracts include:
- Having diabetes
- Smoking
- Suffering from an eye injury or having eye surgery
- Certain medications like steroids
- Being short-sighted
- Drinking too much alcohol
Common symptoms
As a cataract starts to develop you may experience:
- Misty or cloudy vision
- Colours looking faded
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Needing to change your glasses lens prescription more regularly
The importance of regular eye exams
Regular eye exams can help detect cataracts as early as possible so that proper treatment can be put in place. Cataract assessments are part of comprehensive eye examinations, making them easy and convenient for patients. By detecting cataracts and monitoring their development early on, we’ll be able to decide when surgery may be needed.
Treatment options available
In the early stages of developing cataracts, new glasses may be able to help manage any changes in your vision. However, as cataracts gradually worsen, surgery is the only effective treatment. Our highly-qualified optometrists refer cataract patients to Spa Medica, a hospital which can see you within 2-3 weeks. We also provide pre and post-op cataract assessments to ensure you are prepared and supported through the process.