How often should I have an eye exam?

eye health check

Are you one of the many adults who have never had an eye examination? Surprisingly, 1 in 10 haven’t had an eye health check. Unfortunately, this oversight could mean issues with your vision or eye health may remain undetected, impacting your quality of life or, in severe cases, potentially leading to unexpected blindness. In this…

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Peach Fuzz dominates this year’s eyewear trends

Peach Fuzz

In the world of eyewear, where fashion trends evolve – the colour you wear matters. Each year, Pantone selects a hue that captivates the imagination and sets the tone of trends in the industry. In 2024, all eyes are on Peach Fuzz as it emerges as this year’s Pantone Colour of the Year, capturing the…

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Understanding the link between smoking and eye health

If you’re a smoker and you want to protect the long-term health of your eyes, then read on. Smoking has long been recognised as a significant risk factor for various health issues, including respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer. However, did you know it can also have a detrimental impact on your…

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